Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Yoga has become my solace.  Running is my passion, but an injured knee has left me with yoga as an outlet.  Interesting that relaxation, silence and peaceful music have replaced my 5 a.m. run with friends, talking and lots of laughing—2 extremes.

                Though my running derailment has been frustrating, I know there is a plan.  I’m a firm believer in planning and also know that everything happens for a reason.  My friend Carrie says that not being able to run is God’s way of making sure I have the pretty feet I’ve talked about wanting for my wedding in May.  (I tend to lose toenails when training for marathons…gross, I know.  William loves me anyway.)

                The weather this winter, like my 2 favorite forms of exercise has been 2 extremes.  1 week it is in the teens, and the next it is in the 60s.  I prefer the latter.  Last week, I got home from school one day, and the weather was nothing less than glorious.  I decided it was time for a little yoga. 
               My parents built a house that they moved into in August, and I moved in with them.  I found someone to rent my house, and decided to spend a little extra time with them before my wedding.   Selfishly, though, I wanted to taste mountain paradise for myself…even if it is just for a moment.

                This was my yoga setting for the afternoon…

                Sometimes the best position in yoga is the end of the practice.  It is called shavasana.  This is what I saw when I laid in such a relaxing pose.

          Even though I know that we’re going to eventually get hit with another cold snap, I can smell spring in the air.  This spring is different from the 25 I have experienced before.  This spring I will earn a bachelor’s degree.  This spring I will move to Birmingham, AL.  But most importantly, this spring I will marry my best friend and become a wife. 
         Thanks to my wonderful friend Martha-Cate Spencer, MCatePhotography, I have a photo that perfectly depicts the way I feel about William and about spring…

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